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Join date: Aug 8, 2020


Haelee P. Moone is a 16-year-old who has a passion for making the world a better place. She is the CEO of The Rules of a Big Boss LLC, a company whose mission is to empower and uplift individuals, families, and communities worldwide by promoting positive change and growth. Haelee has been featured on TV, magazines, and various media outlets for her positive impact. She has written several books, such as "The Rules of a Little Boss" and "The Rules of a Big Boss," to motivate and encourage readers of all ages.

Haelee has a variety of hobbies, such as singing, dancing, writing, drawing, and volunteering. She is a spokesperson for The Primplife Plan and a member of respected organizations such as the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), Literacy Nation, Rhoer, FCCLA, and DECA.

Haelee is an amazing young woman who influences and encourages people of all ages with her accomplishments and perseverance.

Haelee Moone

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