Tradesha Woodard, Reporter WCNC did a story on me on February 4, 2023. She did so in honor of the contributions that I make to Black History by helping to elevate the voices of marginalized authors such as herself (Ref: The Purple Turtle) and others. You can watch the replay by going here. With that in mind, one such author, Kim C. Lee reached out to me on February 21, 2023 and asked if I’d be willing to read and provide a review on her soon to be released 4th children’s book. Kim is a literacy advocate, children’s book author, content creator, and educator. But most of all, she is a mother. Kim writes to illuminate the experiences of black children to capture and promote their imagination and creative. She released her debut children’s book, The Night Owl on July 3, 2020 to critical acclaim.
The upcoming book is entitled, The Night Owl Goes to Space. It's the second book in a series in that it picks up where The Night Owl left off. Kim entrusted me with an advanced readers copy (ARC) so that I could review and enjoy it. An ARC is a low-resolution, unedited proof that is used for advanced review and pleasure. At any rate, the titular character takes readers on a journey through his dreams and imagination on a trip to out of space. We’re able to explore the depths of the Milky Way along with him through vibrant and colorful illustrations. I felt very much like Colonel Guion Bluford as I flipped through each subsequent page. There was a one major difference of note however in that I didn’t need to be on the Space-shuttle Challenger to explore space. Moving along, The Night Owl Goes To Space reinforces the power of setting achievable goals. You need only start with your imagination. That edict speaks directly to me because I’m very much a creative and a Trekkie (Ref: Star Trek). I mean perhaps that’s why my last name is Moone (get it). All kidding aside, it also spoke to me because I’m a black man who was once a black young man much like Colonel Bluford and the Night Owl respectively. This book officially releases on March 21, 2023 and I can’t wait to get an autographed copy. I highly encourage everyone that’s reading this to be on the lookout for it especially if you have a child, grandchild, nephew, etc that shows an interest in STEM in any way. Congratulations Kim C. Lee on yet another fantastic book. 5 ⭐️’s

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