Kim C Lee is a mother, educator, and a fellow author. But not only that, she's also a digital content creator and a literacy advocate. Kim has written several books for children, such as Meet Frankie Jordan, Grand Joy, and The Night Owl series. Her passion for writing started with gifts of love to her niece and son, and she continues to support other marginalized authors in their literary journeys. Kim's goal is to promote diversity in literature and ensure that all children feel seen and valued.
Kim launched a series called Let's Talk About on April 25, 2023 to in part achieve this goal. Let's Talk About is a web series that features behind-the-scenes conversations with marginalized authors on Instagram Live. Kim invites them to share their inspirations, their stories, and their perspectives on various topics. She also connects them with her network of followers, who can ask questions and interact with the authors in real time. Kim has interviewed several notable marginalized authors such as Ciara L. Hill, Juanita Banks-Whittington, Gabriel Hamilton, Mike Gammage, and myself, amongst others. But her impact doesn’t stop there. Kim established a Community of Practice (COP) where authors connect, learn, and share insights from their literary journeys. It’s a space for growth, collaboration, and mutual support.
I had the pleasure of talking with Kim about audiobooks on January 25, 2024. We discussed the benefits of audiobooks, the process of creating them, and key statistics. We also shared some of our parenting challenges and our favorite audiobooks. Kim was very kind and generous, and she even gave me a new professional title during our conversation. You can watch the replay of our chat here.
Kim is an amazing person and a role model for many. She is making a difference in the literary world and in the lives of children and their parents. Kim is a budding icon in Black History that I believe that everyone should celebrate.
