My debut children’s book, Dear Daughter was selected as one of the books of the month by Next Chapter Bookstore for inclusion in their book club. Next Chapter Bookstore is located inside of Ben’s Boyz in Greensboro, NC. Their book club is entitled Cornbread and a Book.
My understanding is that yesterday was the young lady depicted in the photos first day of school and that she couldn’t leave the store without starting to read Dear Daughter. But not only that, she took time to put on her official Cornbread and a Book T-shirt while posing for photos.
Thank you Sherricka, Ben’s Boyz, and Next Chapter for the gift of the smile that I still have on my face right now for y’all facilitating this. I truly needed it after an incredibly long day and week.
And many thank you’s to this young lady whoever she is for being excited enough about reading to purchase Dear Daughter. I truly hope that you find and appreciate the small gifts that I left for young ladies like yourself in the pages therein. But not only that, I hope that it encourages you to shoot for the moon in writing your own stories some day so that I too can purchase copies and have them autographed by you.
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